Tara Laan
Lead, Incentivizing Renewables
Tara Laan is a Lead, Incentivizing Renewables, in IISD’s Energy Program. She has over 17 years of experience in energy policy, with a particular focus on subsidies and taxation.
Tara’s work spans a diverse range of economies, including the energy program’s focus countries: Canada, India, Indonesia, and South Africa. She has successfully concluded projects with the Asian Development Bank, the Facility for Oil Sector Transparency in Nigeria, the Nordic Council of Ministers, the OECD, and the World Bank, among others.
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Additional information
- Areas of expertise
- Subsidies
- Responsible Business
- Trade
- Energy
- Climate Change Mitigation
- Sustainable Finance
- Biofuels
- Green Taxation
- Natural Resource Management
- Renewable Energy
- Education
Bachelor of Science, Botany and Zoology, University of Adelaide
Budgeting for Net Zero
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Fossil Fuel Production, Renewable Energy, and Subsidy Reform in Nationally Determined Contributions 3.0
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Public Financial Support for Renewable Power Generation and Integration in the G20 Countries
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Unlocking Clean Power for All
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Green Recovery Know-How From the Nordics
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July 30, 2020
Better Targeted Subsidies Could Benefit Poor Women
Millions of dollars worth of fossil fuel subsidies could be better targeted by governments to benefit poor women.
March 8, 2019
India's Energy Subsidies Moving in the Right Direction
India has become an outspoken proponent of renewable energy, but do the facts back up the rhetoric? Is the central government walking the talk when it comes to India's energy subsidies?
December 27, 2018
Agreement on Climate Change, Trade and Sustainability: A landmark pact for trade and sustainability
The ACCTS pact, signed by Costa Rica, Iceland, New Zealand, and Switzerland, aligns trade and environmental policies, tackling fossil fuel subsidies, eco-labels, and green trade.
Deep Dive
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